Your donation helps provide essential services, engaging activities, and a warm, welcoming environment for our residents. Every contribution makes a meaningful impact, enhancing their quality of life and ensur=ing they receive the care and support they deserve. Thank you for your generosity!
The people of our community have played a major role in helping to bring Lapeer County Medical Care Facility from a 126-bed facility in 1971 to a 202-bed facility in 2001. The future of our Facility is in many ways tied to the generosity of the individuals closest to it. We all want the assurance that the very best health care will be available when our family, our friends or we ourselves need it.
The Facility has a rich history of providing the highest quality of skilled nursing care. The nursing staff is committed to giving compassionate care to each resident.
Bronze: $1,000-$4,999
Silver: $5,000-$9,999
Gold: $10,000+
Gifts received are for the purpose of enhancing the Lapeer County Medical Care Facility’s ability to provide health care services for the aging or chronically ill resident. The Foundation recognizes those who make charitable gifts at all levels to ensure the unparalleled excellence of the health care provided to our residents. Your philanthropy can make a very meaningful difference now and in the future. Your contribution can acknowledge the life or death of a loved one or celebrate an occasion. The person or family you designate is immediately sent a card acknowledging your gift in their name. We can receive gifts in the form of cash, memorials, stock, real estate, and life income gifts and benefits. All funds are tax deductible since Suncrest has a public non-profit tax status. Gifts at any dollar level are needed and welcomed.Donors who make cumulative gifts of $1,000 or more are honored on the Foundation’s Memorial and Honor plaque. A four-line inscription of your choosing will be inscribed on this plaque located in the lobby. Changes and new additions will be made twice a year.