Lapeer County Medical Care Facility is home to a Child Care Center and Preschool. Lapeer County Medical Care Facility's child care center is licensed care for infants, toddlers and preschoolers who enjoy a full enrichment program of social, recreational and educational activities. Their day includes a developmentally appropriate play-based program covering large and gross motor activities, dramatic play, music, rhythm and movement, personal and emotional skills, science, math and emerging literature centers. The children have adventure walks on the grounds including the Master Gardener’s children’s garden planned especially for the little folks to enjoy as well as a safe and fun outdoor playground. The children participate in field trips that foster their early education such as trips to petting zoos, a local greenhouse, the historic Lapeer Court House, to name a few as well as a variety of visitors to assist in their early education. The local fire department visits, police and EMT as well as clowns and magicians to help the children learn about the world around them.
Because the daycare is part of Lapeer County Medical Care Facility, the children and residents have regular activities and exchanges. The children can regularly be seen enjoying snacks, games, art projects, gardening, cooking and other enrichment activities that foster learning between the generations.
The Child Care Center is open to the public as well as Lapeer County Medical Care Facility staff’s children. Our hours of operation are 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. M-F. The Staff are CPR and First Aid certified. Please call (810) 667-2840 for rate information and availability. D.H.S. is accepted.