The Auxiliary is a volunteer organization in Lapeer County with membership of approximately 200 members. The purpose of the Auxiliary is to promote and advance the welfare of the residents at the Facility. Services rendered by members: Encouraging religious services; providing entertainment for residents; operating a candy cart weekly for residents providing goodies, toiletries and miscellaneous items; fund raising is done by County wide Tag Day, Rummage Sales, Bake Sales, Pecan Sales, Raffles, etc.
Memorial Funds are accepted and used as requested or as needs arise. New members are needed and welcomed.With the money we raise we have purchased equipment for residents’ comfort; improved the grounds; and sponsor special events such as patio parties with entertainment and food. Contact the Social Worker or the Activities Director at Lapeer County Medical Care Facility for more information.
Front Entrance
Dental Room with X-Ray
Beauty Parlor
Barber Shop
Hot Packs
Special Exercise Tables
Hand Wheels
Electronic Parallel Bars
Electronic Thermometers
Broda Chair
Bladder Scanner
Portable Bathing Units
Electronic Scales
Positioning Chairs
Eye tone Machines (Blood Sugar)
Chair Lift
Van Lift
Organs and Pianos
Yearly Christmas Gifts (player piano, stage, etc.)
Digital Camera
Popcorn Machine
Soft Serve Ice Cream Machine
Bingo and Dessert Monthly
Patio parties with food and entertainment
Field Trips
Visits by elementary children